Technique G220:Provide a contact-us link in a consistent location
About this Technique
This technique relates to 3.2.6: Consistent Help (Sufficient).
This technique applies to technologies that contain links.
The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism for finding contact details in a consistent location across pages to make it easier for users to find it. The interactive item in the web page is a link to the contact details page. The programmatic and visual location is consistent on each page in the set of web pages, when viewed within the same size viewport. Activating the link brings users to a web page with contact details such as a phone number and/or email address.
Example 1: A link at the top of the page
An on-line job application asks for many types of information from the user, such as their identification number, but they may have several and not know which one to enter. They may need more information from someone that can answer their question when the contextual help provided does not meet their needs. One of the first links that the user reaches when tabbing through the page is titled "Contact Us". This link is also visually in the same location on each page. Activating the link brings the user to the contact details page. The contact details page has an email address for a company representative or general information inbox which is then shared with appropriate personnel.
Example 3: A link sometimes in a disclosure widget
On some pages in a set of web pages, there is a link to a help mechanism directly on the page. On one or more other pages in the set, the link is within a disclosure widget which is in the same relative order as the link that is directly on the page.
Although this example technically passes the Success Criterion, it creates a less consistent user experience and is less preferable than consistently placing a link directly on the page.
- Determine if this is a set of web pages with blocks of content that are repeated on multiple pages.
- Determine if at least one of the following is included or linked in a consistent location:
- Human contact details
- Human contact mechanism
- Self-help option
- A fully automated mechanism
- Without changing the viewport size, check that the identified help is present on all other web pages within that set of web pages.
Expected Results
- If #1 is true, #2 and #3 are true.
- Otherwise, #1 is false.