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Technique F37:Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to launching a new window without prior warning when the selection of a radio button, check box or select list is changed

About this Technique

This technique relates to 3.2.2: On Input (Failure).

This failure applies to HTML.


This document describes a failure that occurs when changing the selection of a radio button, a check box or an item in a select list causes a new window to open. It is possible to use scripting to create an input element that causes a change of context (submit the form, open a new page, a new window) when the element is selected. Developers can instead use a submit button (see Providing a submit button to initiate a change of context) or clearly indicate the expected action.


Example 1

The example below fails the success criterion because it processes the form when a radio button is selected instead of using a submit button.

   function goToMirror(theInput) {
    var mirrorSite = "https://download." + theInput.value + "/";; 
<form name="mirror_form" id="mirror_form" action="" method="get">
  <p>Please select a mirror download site:</p> 
    <input type="radio" onclick="goToMirror(this);" name="mirror" 
     id="mirror_belnet" value="" /> 
    <label for="mirror_belnet">belnet (<abbr>BE</abbr>)</label><br /> 
    <input type="radio" onclick="goToMirror(this);" name="mirror" 
     id="mirror_surfnet" value="" /> 
    <label for="mirror_surfnet">surfnet (<abbr>NL</abbr>)</label><br /> 
    <input type="radio" onclick="goToMirror(this);" name="mirror" 
     id="mirror_puzzle" value="" /> 
    <label for="mirror_puzzle">puzzle (<abbr>CH</abbr>)</label><br /> 
    <input type="radio" onclick="goToMirror(this);" name="mirror" 
     id="mirror_voxel" value="" /> 
    <label for="mirror_voxel">voxel (<abbr>US</abbr>)</label><br /> 



  1. Find each form in a page.
  2. For each form control that is a radio button, check box or an item in a select list, check if changing the selection of the control launches a new window.
  3. For each new window resulting from step 2, check if the user is warned in advance.

Expected Results

If check #3 is false, then this failure condition applies and content fails the Success Criterion.

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